You Are Me.
This website is a collection of links to the various voices that I believe have been saying this same thing throughout human history. The blog is my interpretation of these voices, and what has been called ' The New Story of Cosmology.' I am no expert, and I might be wrong, but these ideas work for me. If you have ever questioned the traditional story that modern society has given you I hope this 'New Story' might work for you too.
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![]() When our distant ancestors first developed the miracle of language, they looked for a word to describe the mystery, wonderment, and awe of the extraordinary creation that surrounded them. Today we call that reality the universe, or most recently the cosmos. They called it God. The first utterance of the word God did not refer to a big old man with a long grey beard up in the clouds. It meant in fact the complete opposite - the Allness, the Isness, the Oneness of All That Is - that which is seen and which cannot be seen, which is known and cannot be known - the physical world and whatever might be beyond it. But however unintended, the first utterance of this word was the initial confinement of the Infinite into a grossly limited mental construct. The birth of language was in effect the birth of 'God' the idea. The Infinite, Eternal and Indescribable Ultimate Reality was for the first time put into a box. Over time more and more boxes would appear, with each becoming smaller and smaller over time. Like the fable of the blind men and the elephant, we began to argue over whose vastly inadequate image of All That Is was correct. Eventually 'God' was to become so small that 'he' would not only take vengeance on 'his' own beloved children, but, according to many, who would expect us to do the same to one another.
Then science comes along and gives back just a fraction of our sight. We now see more of the elephant than we have ever been able to see before. And so more and more of us reject the testimony of the blind men who continue to cling to their own limited experiences of All That Is. Tragically however, in dismissing as absurd the fighting and the dogma of the blind men, many today say that the elephant does not exist at all! Of course this is just as blind. A much larger number of us though know the elephant is there but long for a different story to the one we have heard so far. Fortunately, there is such as story. Today, our knowledge of the cosmos provides a sense of wonderment, mystery and awe so much greater than what even our distant ancestors could ever have imagined. As the elephant becomes more and more illuminated we see how extraordinarily massive it really is. But we also see how connected it is - how Whole is really is. And we realise that the more and more we see, how much more there is to Ultimate Reality that we will never be able to see. That in infinity and eternity, there is literally limitless potentiality. Finally though we realise that our distant ancestors and modern day Indigenous societies, along with prophets, sages and mystics throughout history, had a different kind of vision all along. From Jesus to the Buddha, to Meister Eckhart & Ibn Arabi, to the growing number of modern-day mystics, an inner knowing and personal encounter with the divine revealed to them the truth that modern day science is finally pointing towards. Despite the deep ravines of space, time and culture that separate them, these truly enlightened masters have all seen and described the exact same thing. Namely and specifically: All is One, All is Good, All is Love, All is You, and All is God. God Is All That Is. This core message spoken by these enlightened masters still rings true at the heart of the religions that were formed around them. Each of our religious and spiritual traditions speaks of the omnipresence of God - of the divine spirit or life force that pervades and connects all of creation everywhere. The problem is that few of us have taken it seriously. We have relegated this profound truth as a nice metaphor, while ironically literalising teachings that were themselves always meant to be taken metaphorically. But the new story of cosmology confirms what we have all intuitively known all along. That whatever God is or is not, God is what God is. And as all that exists is One, then the One must be You, and the One must be God. You Are God. It can be no other way. What do you think? Namaste
Sharon Ellison
1/17/2016 02:26:35 am
Being brought up as a Catholic, and to believe that three persons that make up the one true God, it is not only hard for me to believe that You or I am God but also blasphemes. Then when I think of the Father as creation itself, the Spirit as goodness itself and of Jesus as being as you describe us to be if we truly believed that You are Me and I am You then it becomes more clear. This is when I start to feel the Oneness you proclaim and the sense of peace that comes from this realisation.
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by Mark EllisonMark is a husband, father of four, teacher of high school Science, Study of Religion and Health & Physical Education, and facilitator of various student retreats and social justice and advocacy programs. He has a Masters of Educational Leadership, a Bachelor of Applied Science, a Certificate III in Systematic Theology, and a passion for learning more about ultimate reality. The thoughts within this blog are my most recent learnings from this journey. Archives
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